Campus Photo with Rainbow

Broad Recognition Magazine

Broad Recognition logo: black B and white R on a black background

Broad Recognition is Yale College’s first and only feminist publication. We are a radically progressive collective of friends, writers, and thinkers dedicated to understanding the way power impacts our communities. We seek to use our writing as a platform for understanding the world around us with the hopes of ultimately overturning the status quo. We dream of a world centered around communities of love instead of economies of capital. The publication is a part of a larger goal of establishing our own microcosmic community with a “love ethic,” as discussed by Black feminist scholar bell hooks in all about love.

As students at Yale University, we seek to destabilize the power that created our school and that perpetuates capital both within and outside of its walls. We are actively aware of the imperial and colonial forces that allowed for the establishment of our university. However transient, we seek to be conscious of our role in Yale’s continuing colonial projects, a prime example of which can be seen in the University’s refusal to acknowledge its destructive treatment of the City of New Haven. This is the force that sought to murder the Quinnipiac peoples, on whose ground Yale University currently stands. This is the force that allowed Brett Kavanaugh to be a Supreme Court Justice. This is the force that allows for continued climate destruction. This is the force that attempted to murder Stephanie Washington and Paul Witherspoon III. We stand not in opposition to this force, but above it. We present not a counterpoint to these ideologies, but a whole new world.

We welcome writers from any and all backgrounds who wish to join us in this mission. At the moment, we are especially seeking Black and Indigenous writers. 

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Last modified: 
Wednesday, February 5, 2020